Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Being Smart with $$ -- Vape or Have $1 Million. You Choose.

Vaping or $1 MILLION.  You choose.  Maybe your kids will ignore your health warnings and sneak off to vape behind the school when no one is looking.  But what if they knew the true long-term financial cost?  An average user may go through a pod per day at $4 each.  So let your kids know that if they throw that $4 per day into the stock market, instead of vaping, from their senior year of high school through all their working years, it will likely be worth almost $1 MILLION which they can spend in retirement.   Lighter users might be looking at less but still substantial money. Vaping or $1 million.  It seems like an easy choice. (Assumes 8.5% annual stock-market returns which are below long-term averages, over 50 years.  Past results may not be a predicter of future results.)

Larry Pike, CFA
Client Priority Financial Advisors LLC


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