Friday, April 3, 2020

Being Smart with $$ -- Take Advantage of the Market Drop

If the health crisis we are facing isn’t enough, perhaps the stormy weather in the financial markets has you feeling even worse.  But when the markets are down, you have the chance to make some moves you wouldn’t otherwise make.  Take tax losses to reduce your tax bill but consider reinvesting the proceeds into a similar asset so as not to lose your market exposure.  Sell poorly performing funds you have wanted to punt that may no longer be at a tax gain and reinvest into low-cost better performers in the same sector. Convert assets from a traditional IRA to a Roth IRA with a lower tax bill since 100 shares of most assets today are worth less than they were 2 months ago.  You can sit paralyzed as the markets react to the coronavirus news or you can act on it and grab what benefits you can.  (Specific moves should consider your personal circumstances and you should consult with your financial professional to ensure actions are in line with your needs and tax laws.) 
Larry Pike, CFA
Client Priority Financial Advisors LLC

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