Saturday, December 13, 2014

Being smart with $$ - Mid/late September 2014 posts

September 25, 2014
Leasing a car or buy one? Some like leasing because you don't have to worry about selling your car when you're done with it. But did you know when you lease you generally pay a substantial fee to "write the contract" and then pay another to terminate it? Plus you are paying for the car during its most expensive years. I get it: it's fun to always own a new car. But remember, from graduation to retirement, leasing every three years instead of owning for five may be cutting your retirement account by $300,000.
- Larry Pike, CFA, Client Priority Financial Advisors LLC

September 24, 2014
Saving for retirement. Saving for the kids' education. Saving to buy a new car. Saving for a vacation. How do you do it all?
- Larry Pike, CFA, Client Priority Financial Advisors LLC

September 19, 2014
GOOD: Having money in your retirement account.
BAD: Not knowing if it's enough.
BEST: Having a plan that gets you to your goals so that you can relax and enjoy life today without worrying about the future.
- Larry Pike, CFA, Client Priority Financial Advisors LLC

September 18, 2014
You know those stock tips you see from self-proclaimed experts on TV? How often do you think they get back on TV a few months later and tell you when they were wrong? Odds are that half of them did worse than the market average. Well I must congratulate Kathy Kristof of Kiplinger's for being brave enough to admit her 30% decline on her July pic k. She likes it better at the lower price. As would I, all else equal.
- Larry Pike, CFA, Client Priority Financial Advisors LLC

September 17, 2014
Don't be fooled by fancy TV commercials telling you what stock fund to buy. Of the top 10 largest U.S. stock mutual funds, as listed in Kiplinger's this month, two of them are S&P 500 index funds that simply track the largest stocks in the market and do not have an active manager. Of the remaining eight that all pay a manager to achieve the best possible performance, only one performed better than the S&P 500 index funds over the last five years.
- Larry Pike, CFA, Client Priority Financial Advisors LLC

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